Discover the North Side

of Mont-Tremblant

Frequently Asked Questions About the Location

Where is Tremblant Mountain Chalets located?

Tremblant Mountain Chalets is located on the north side of Mont Tremblant in Lac-Superieur, approximately 20 minutes from Mont Tremblant’s Village and 20 minutes from Mont Tremblant’s city centre. Contact us for more details or to get directions.

How far is Montreal’s International Airport? How far is Mont Tremblant’s International Airport?

Trudeau International airport (Montreal) is approximately 1 ½ hours from Tremblant Mountain Chalets. Mont Tremblant’s International Airport is located in Macaza, approximately 45 minutes away.

How far away is Mont Tremblant’s Pedestrian Village?

Mont Tremblant’s Pedestrian Village is a 20-minute drive away. Tremblant Mountain Chalets is located on the north side of Mont Tremblant, approximately 6 kilometres away from the North side lifts.

How far away is Mont Tremblant’s City Centre?

Mont Tremblant’s city centre (formerly known as St-Jovite) is a 20-minute drive away.

How far away are Mont Tremblant’s ski hills?

The north side ski hills of Mont Tremblant are 6 kilometres away from Tremblant Mountain Chalets. Parking on the north side ski hills is free and provided you have already purchased your lift ticket, you can proceed directly to the chair lifts.

How far is Mont Tremblant’s National Park?

The National Park of Mont Tremblant is located 6 kilometres from Tremblant Mountain Chalets. Please note that there are applicable park entry fees.

Are the amenities (pool, tennis and beach) shared?

Yes, all of the amenities at Tremblant Mountain Chalets are shared among the community. This includes the pool, a tennis court and beach areas.

Where is the shared beach access?

The shared beach access is located at the entrance to the community. There is a designated parking area provided for guests.

Where is the nearest grocery store?

The closest grocery store is Bonichoix located in Lac-Carré, approximately 10 minutes away by car from the chalets, at 1871, rue Principale in Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré. Another option for local cheese and produce is Fromagerie Lac-Carré, located at 2011, rue Principale in Saint-Faustin-Lac-Carré.

Alternative options for grocery stores are located in Mont Tremblant’s city centre on Autoroute 117 (north). This includes the IGA Extra, Maxi, Super C and Metro grocery stores.

Where are the closest restaurants?

The closest restaurants are located at Mont Tremblant’s Village and city centre, each approximately 20 minutes away by car.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Chalets

How does the door handle open and lock?

To open the door handle, unlock and turn the handle down. To lock the door handle, hold handle upward (and keep the handle help up) while turning the turning the lock toward the door frame.

Is the water potable?

Yes, the well water is drinkable.

Is there air conditioning in the chalets?

No, there is no air conditioning at the chalets. Table-top or standing fans are provided.

Is the chalet fully equipped?

The chalet is fully equipped, with sheets and towels provided. The kitchen is fully equipped and there is a propane BBQ available as well.

Is there Wi-Fi and satellite at the chalet?

Yes, Wi-Fi and satellite are included in the rental of your chalet.

s there parking at the chalet? Is this included in the rental?

Yes, there is a private parking area for each chalet and is included in the rental of your chalet.

What are the check-in and check-out times?

The check-in time is 4 pm and check-out time is 11 am.

Is there a space for an outdoor open-air fire? Are fireworks permitted?

Outdoor open-air fires are not permitted on the premises of the chalet. There is an outdoor open-air fire pit located at the beach area which can be used. According to community by-laws, under no circumstances are fireworks permitted. If fireworks are used there will be automatic fines of $250.

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